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What We Believe about...



We believe in one infinite and eternal God who is perfect in all his attributes.  He is one perfect God in three perfect persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  He created all that exists.




We believe that humanity, being created by God in his image, is now fallen and abides under the wrath of God because of the rebellion inherent in its nature and expressed in its actions.




We believe that God, in love, reveals Himself to humanity through various means, the chief of which is His Son, Jesus Christ.  The record of Him is contained in the pages of God's Holy infallible Word, The Bible.




We believe everything in the Scriptures.  The Gospel (good news) being that God demonstrated His love for humanity by providing atonement for sin through the shed blood of Jesus who willingly died in our place upon the cross.  Jesus reversed the curse of death through His glorious resurrection on the third day and now reigns at the Father's right hand as King of Kings and intercedes for the saints as High Priest.  We believe that all those who repent and by faith believe the Gospel, receive eternal life.  Eternal life is a gift of God's Grace and cannot be earned or taken away.




We believe that the true church is comprised of all believers who have become indwelt by the Spirit of God through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord.  This union with Christ is to be made public through believer's baptism.  The purpose of the church with respect to Christ is supreme worship, submission, trust, and allegiance; with respect to one another, humble loving service enabling growth in grace; with respect to the world, to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  The rule of church life, family life, and personal life is laid out for each member in the Word of God and does not change with the shifting tide of culture.




We believe in the bodily return of Christ for His Church, the bodily return of Christ to the earth to reign, the glorious resurrection of believers, and the resurrection for judgment of non-believers.  We believe in the eternal damnation of unbelievers, and eternal life for the believer.  We believe in the ultimate destruction of this present world and the ushering in of a new heaven and new earth.

© 2015 Ridglea Baptist Church

6037 Calmont Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76116 - (817)732-4421

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